Allyn Hoang

Allyn was born in Dallas, Texas on 2 April 1988. She is 34 years old and falls under the astrological sign, Aries. The woman is of American the nationality of America. Her parents' names as well as other details are unknown. Even though her name and sister's aren't known, it is well-known her sibling status. Hoang shared a picture of herself and her sibling on her Instagram in December 2013. The parents of Hoang's mother, she claimed had come to America with only a few dollars and left her and her sister what they could. Allyn Hoang is very well-known and popular TV host. Her talent as a host has become a legend in American television time. She's an Emmy award-winning journalist, as well. Likewise she has been able to participate in beauty peasant and later was capable of trying her hand in the field of TV show hosting Allyn took part in the Asianas well as the American beauty Pageant during 2007. In the following years, she assisted in helping members of the Salvation Army to defeat hunger. Hoang started her career in journalism at the age of a teenager. When she turned 17 years old, she was already working at NBC Universal which resulted in frequent trips for her to New York. After this, the privilege of working for IGN was also a possibility and she was also the host of the E-sport. Then she became host for E! Her talents were further boosted when she appeared on Huffington Post, and the E! News. Her experience includes the NBC television drama Friday Night Lights and contributed to MTV. She is a part of the Asian American Journalist Association since 2008. There were other accomplishments when she was requested to Washington DC to work in collaboration with the white house initiative to promote Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans. In addition, she is a reporter on entertainment for NBC in Dallas Fort Worth as of now.

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